
“Washington At Monmouth”

AH article image

Authors: The Editors

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


June 1965 | Volume 16, Issue 4

Last fall, when the December issue of AMERICAN HERITAGE was being prepared for the printer, the Editors looked into the career of Emanuel Leutze, painter of the famous "Washington Crossing the Delaware," which was featured in an article in that issue (“Why Washington Stood Up in the Boat”). One thing that struck us was a statement by Dr. Raymond L. Stehle, writing in the journal Pennsylvania History , that Leutze had painted a companion piece, "Washington Rallying the Troops at Monmouth," equally heroic in conception and scale (about 23 feet by 13 feet), but today almost completely forgotten. According to Dr. Stehle, who is writing a biography of Leutze, the great canvas had been given to the University of California, Berkeley, late in the nineteenth century, but had not been exhibited for over fifty years.

It seemed to us that "Washington at Monmouth," if it was any kind of match for "Washington Crossing the Delaware," was an important part of the American heritage that deserved better treatment. We therefore wrote to officials at the University of California, suggesting that we contribute to the cost of having the painting taken out of storage, hung, and photographed in color—if the picture could be found and if it proved to be in fairly good condition.

Washington Rallying the Troops at Monmouth by Emanuel Leutze
Washington Rallying the Troops at Monmouth, by Emanuel Leutze

Professor Herschel Chipp, curator of the University of California art collections, examined his inventory of stored paintings and found, sure enough, that Leutze’s Washington at Monmouth was on the list. He and his assistants soon discovered the painting itself, resting undisturbed in a long redwood box in a storage room in the basement of the women’s gymnasium.

“We were very apprehensive as we started to unroll it,” Dr. Chipp says, “since it had been stored a very long time, and its condition was extremely uncertain. But as more and more of the picture appeared on the floor we were at first pleased, then astounded at what we saw. The more of it appeared, the more brilliant and dramatic it became.”

Leutze painted " Washington at Monmouth," as he did "Washington Crossing the Delaware," in his studio in Düsseldorf, Germany, whither he had returned after a visit to America in 1851–52. The Monmouth picture was commissioned by David Leavitt, of New York City, where it was put on public display for several months after its arrival from Europe in 1854.⁐⁐ Three years later Leutze made a copy, one-third the size of the original, which now belongs to the Monmouth County Historical Association. Freehold. New Jersey. In 1879 it was purchased by Mrs. Mark Hopkins, widow of the railroad magnate, and in 1882 she presented it to the University of California. There it was shown for a number of vears before