
The Gallantry of An “Ugly Duckling”

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Authors: Robert L. Vargas

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


December 1969 | Volume 21, Issue 1

Whenever an unescorted American freighter encountered strange ships in the South Atlantic in 1942, her master knew that within minutes he might face a bitter decision: to surrender and have his vessel captured—probably scuttled—or to fight and be sunk. This was the quandary of Paul Buck, captain of the Liberty Ship Stephen Hopkins , when two unidentified vessels appeared out of the morning mist at 9:35 on September 27 of that year. A smaller object, possibly a small boat, seemed to be moving in the water between them.

Within minutes, any hope that the two ships might be American or British vanished. German colors were raised on both, and gun flashes broke from the bow of the smaller, appearing simultaneously, as if aimed by a central gun director.

Buck quietly ordered the general alarm sounded and called for hard left rudder to bring his ship from her heading of 310° true to 260°, directly away from the danger. If he had to fight, he wanted to offer the smallest possible target, his stern.

Unluckily, Buck and the Hopkins had encountered the German auxiliary cruiser Stier and her escort, the blockade runner Tannenfels. Built as the Atlas Levante Line’s 4,778-ton Cairo, the Stier had been fitted out in December, 1941, as an armed commerce raider and placed under the command of Fregatten Kapitän Horst Gerlach. At the time of her encounter with the Stephen Hopkins she was known to American and British naval intelligence only as Raider “J.”

Outwardly the Stier was a dirty-gray freighter, somewhat lighter than standard war color, with a clipper bow and cruiser stern. Red-lead splotches dotted the superstructure and sides of her 322-foot length. In the words of one of the Hopkins ’ crew, “She appeared like a converted fruit ship which runs from the West Coast of the U.S.A. to Europe.” But underneath the disguise lay a modern arsenal. The central gun director controlled six 5.9-inch guns located behind shields just forward of the bridge structure and in the after well deck. Her firepower also included smaller directorfired guns, a twin 37-mm. mount, and 20-mm. anti-aircraft guns. She carried two torpedoes.

The second German ship, the Tannenfels, was a former Hansa Line freighter now operating out of occupied France through the Allied cordon to deliver supplies and take off prisoners from surface raiders in the South Atlantic. At 7,840 tons she was larger than the Stier, but she was armed only with 20-mm. anti-aircraft guns. The Tannenfels had evidently been keeping a scheduled rendezvous with the raider when they were surprised by the Stephen Hopkins. When the equally surprised Liberty Ship was recognized, both Germans turned to pursue her.

The Stephen Hopkins was one of the war’s first mass-produced U.S. Emergency Cargo vessels,