
The End Of The Alabama

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Authors: Norman C. Delaney

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


April 1972 | Volume 23, Issue 3

Early in 1864 the Confederate States Steamer Alabama left the Indian Ocean and headed for European waters. Her captain, Raphael Semme—tired, ill, and bad-tempered after almost three years commanding Confederate raiders noted in his journal on May 21: “Our bottom is in such a state that everything passes us. We are like a crippled hunter limping home from a long chase.” During almost two years at sea the Alabama had never been long enough in any port for a thorough overhaul of her hull, rigging, and engines. Since her fires had never been allowed to go out, flues and pipes had not been properly cleaned. As First Officer John McIntosh Kell observed, the ship was “loose at every joint, her seams were open, and the copper on her bottom was in rolls.”

On April 23 Semmes had made a target of a captured vessel. Shot and shell were used “with reasonable success,” according to Semmes. Others thought differently. Of twenty-four rounds fired, only seven were seen to have any effect. Some observers attributed this to bad shooting, but there were other possibilities, of which Kell gradually became aware. Upon investigation, he found that many of the shell fuses were faulty. It would later be found that a large quantity of powder had become damp because of the magazine’s proximity to the condensing apparatus. Even the supply of powder put up in cartridges and stored in copper tanks, which Semmes assumed was still in good condition, had—he would later admit deteriorated “perhaps to the extent of one-third of its strength.” The size of the problem would not be known until weeks later. But there was no question that the Alabama needed to be put up in dry dock for repairs that would take at least a month.

At midday on June 11, 1864, the Alabama dropped anchor at Cherbourg, France. During; her twentytwo months at sea, she had overhauled 294 vessels, fifty-five having been burned and ten others released on bond. It was a record that would not be equalled by any other Confederate raider. The presence of the Alabama at Cherbourg was an embarrassment to the French authorities there. Since the docks were naval property, only Emperor Napoleon II —away on a vacation—could give the necessary permission for her to be docked. However, Sommes was allowed to land his prisoners and take on coal.

On June 14 the U.S.S. Kearsarge , commanded by John A. Winslow, appeared olTthe breakwater. Sommes had learned the day before of her coming and faced three alternatives: he could continue waiting for permission to dry-dock, he could leave Cherbourg at once without taking on coal, or he could fight. If he made the first choice, he would lose most of his crew, and the Federals would be waiting in greater strength for him to leave. And Semmes—who was actually spoiling for a fight—had