
“In This Proud Land”

AH article image

Authors: Nancy Wood

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


August 1973 | Volume 24, Issue 5

Among the legacies from the Depression of the 1930’s, along with the fear and hunger of those crippling years, is an impressive national treasure of creative work—an artistic archive paid for by the government. Many projects that employed artists and writers were conceived specifically as a means of providing jobs. Some, however, including the photographic project of the Farm Security Administration, were essentially propagandiste. In financing the FSA pictures the government wanted to provide proof that its farm programs were needed and working. It was incidental to the government’s purpose that the pictures formed a unique archive of those years.

Incidental, but not—as it turns out—accidental. Roy Stryker, who headed the photographic unit, “had a hunch” that the photographers working for him were producing pictures of more than temporary value. That he was right was unforgettably demonstrated m igGs when the Museum of Modern A rt in New York held a show about the Depression called “The Bitter Years,” consisting entirely of FSA photographs. Stryker liked the show but was disappointed that the late Edward Steichen, who selected the material, had not chosen any of “the positive pictures.”

Now, at eighty, Stryker has made his own selection—a group of pictures that he feels makes a powerful statement about America. Approximately two hundred of these photographs, with an accompanying text by Nancy Wood, will be published by the New York Graphic Society later this fall under the title In This Proud Land . In the following portfolio we present our selection of Mr. Stryker’s selection—emphasizing some of the less well-known pictures from this remarkable collection—and an excerpt adapted from Nancy Wood’s introductory portrait of Roy Stryker.

We pick up the Wood text when Stryker was called to Washington in 1935 by Rexford Guy Tugwell, the Undersecretary of Agriculture. Tugwell had been Stryker ‘s teacher and mentor at Columbia University in New York, where Stryker had come to study and then teach economics. Knowing of Stryker’s passion for documentary photography, Tugwell offered him an irresistible job.



Considering how crucial Roy Stryker’s shift from teaching to government service was to his whole future, Stryker describes the circumstances with amazing casualness.

“Tugwell went to Washington in the exciting early days of the New Deal,” he says, “and shortly thereafter he sent for me to come down and work with him. In this way he gave me my great chance. He wanted to prepare a pictorial documentation of our rural areas and rural problems, something that had always been dear to my heart.

“But I didn’t know how to go about doing the job he wanted me to—and he sensed it. One day he brought me into the office and said to me, ‘Roy, a man may have holes in his shoes, and you may see the holes when you take the picture. But maybe your sense of the human being will teach you there’s a lot more in that man than the holes in