
The Siege Of Vicksburg

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Authors: Richard Wheeler

Historic Era:

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June 1976 | Volume 27, Issue 4


In his new book, Voices of the Civil War, Richard Wheeler tells the stories of that war’s major battles in the words of people who were there—newspaper correspondents covering the armies, civilian men and women, and soldiers, in both their official and their private capacities. The book will be published later this month by Thomas Y. Crowell Company. The following excerpt is Mr. Wheeler’s skillfully woven narrative of the miserable, discouraging battle for Vicksburg.


The same days of July, 1863, that saw the Civil War in the East reach a climax at Gettysburg saw a climax of similar consequence in the war’s western theater. Since the preceding December, General Ulysses S. Grant, as commander of the Army of the Tennessee, had been actively occupied with efforts against Vicksburg, Mississippi, the last great river port in Confederate hands. Its capture would lead quickly to Federal control of the full length of the Mississippi River, which would split the Confederacy in two, denying the eastern part the cattle, grain, and other supplies it needed from the western Confederate states—Texas, Arkansas, and the greater part of Louisiana. At the same time the Federals would gain a convenient highway for further operations. Winning the Mississippi was the chief goal of the Union forces in the West.

Grant’s earliest move had been to send the wing of his army commanded by William Tecumseh Sherman down the river from Memphis in boats while he himself led an overland expedition toward Vicksburg’s rear. The venture failed, with Sherman being brought up short before the Confederate defenses at Chickasaw Bluffs, just north of the objective, and with Grant being stopped, far to the northeast, through the disruption of his supply lines by Confederate cavalry units, some of them under the command of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, whose raids and other exploits were fast making him famous.

By the end of January, 1863, Grant was operating from the Mississippi at Young’s Point and Milliken’s Bend, about ten miles upstream from Vicksburg. The general had the aid of a strong fleet, well equipped with ironclad gunboats, under Admiral David Dixon Porter, son of the daring and colorful Commodore David Porter, hero of the War of 1812.

Located on a set of bluffs on the Mississippi’s eastern bank, Vicksburg was nearly impregnable. It discouraged all Federal thoughts of assaulting itfrontally—from the river—and its northern flank was protected by a great area of wet bottomland.

The Federals failed not only in their attempts to get through the flanking swamps but also in their efforts to by-pass the city through similar bottomland across the river, on the western, or Louisiana, shore. The Louisiana efforts involved the laborious digging of canals for Porter’s vessels, the idea being to get them, along with the troops, safely around Vicksburg’s guns and into a position where the city might be approached from the south. One by one