
The Controversial World Of

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Authors: Thomas K. Mccraw

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


April 1977 | Volume 28, Issue 3

Nobody, it seems, is happy with the regulatory agencies. U.S. News and World Repart runs a cover story entitled “The ‘Regulators’—They Cost you $130 Billion a Year.” Consumer advocate Ralph Nader and his “Raiders” produce numerous books attacking the agencies as captives of supposedly regulated interests. To adorn a cover story on “Big Government,” Newsweek depicts a disgustingly overweight cartoon figure, recognizable only because he is wearing the star-spangled get up of the once trim Uncle Sam. And politicians of both parties promise “regulatory reform” as one of their highest priorities in streamlining the federal bureaucracy.

Not that there is ready agreement on precisely who the regulators are. Every one of the federal executive departments, for example, has regulatory functions. The State Department regulates travel abroad. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare issues hundreds of rules on dozens of subjects. Defense, with its huge power of the purse, enforces equal employment opportunity among its thousands of contractors. Thus, the members of the Cabinet are among the most powerful individual regulators in America.

The usual meaning of “regulator,” however, applies to another group, or pair of groups. The first is engaged in economic regulation. It includes the state public utility commissions, which have substantial authority over the gas and electricity industries. It also includes such federal agencies as the Interstate Commerce Commission (with authority over railroads, trucks, and barges); the Civil Aeronautics Board (airline routes and fares); and the Federal Communications Commission (radio and television broadcasting, plus telephones). A second group regulates industrial practices or behavior. Its most powerful representatives are the Environmental Protection Agency and the Consumer Product Safety Commission. They join older regulatory bodies in this second group, like the Federal Aviation Administration (airline safety), in trying to keep the country clean and to r nimize injuries to its citizens.

At least, that is what they are supposed to do. But by almost unanimous verdict, both sets of regulators have been doing something else. Critics on the political left charge that they have surrendered to powerful business groups, and have ushered in “socialism for the rich.” From the right, on the other hand, regulators are attacked for having arrogated to themselves the prerogatives of business management and having assumed this power without the responsibility for its consequences on the balance sheet. Then too, numerous thoughtful citizens have complained that the regulators are un-American; that they violate the Constitutional system of checks and balances by combining legislative, executive, and judicial functions within each agency. And nearly everyone regards the agencies as prime offenders in creating the nonsense and red tape that have become the twin emblems of twentiethcentury government. By some miracle, then, the regulators have achieved the remarkable feat of pleasing almost none of the people almost none of the time.

If one searched out the laws that established the regulatory agencies, in quest of a clue to what they are supposed