
“Rocked in the Cradle of Consternation”

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Authors: Reverend Henry M. Turner

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


October/November 1980 | Volume 31, Issue 6

Hold Fort Fisher or I cannot subsist my army.” So wrote General Robert E. Lee in the waning days of 1864 as he watched one Confederate seaport after another fall to the Union armies. Fort Fisher, the strongest fortification yet built in North America, guarded the approach to Wilmington, Norht Carolina, the last haven of blockade-running supply ships and Lee’s major supply depot. As the noose closed around Lee’s army in Virginia, General Ulysses S. Grant decided to launch the largest amphibious attack of the Civil War against the fort.

Among the nearly eight thousand Federal troops sent to sea were several regiments of black sodiers. For a year and a half they had shared increasingly in the fighting, and their successes had helped Northern forces bring the war to its critical last months. The First Regiment, U.S. Colored Troops, recruited in Washington early in 1863, formed part of the amphibious army that would attack Fort Fisher. It had the honor to have on its roster of otherwise all-white officers the first black man commissioned as a chaplain in the Union army, Henry M. Turner.

As pastor of Israel African Methodist Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill, Turner had attracted the attention of black and white alike in wartime Washington. He gained a reputation as a powerful preacher, ardent supporter of black civil rights, articulate journalist, and advocate of the use of black troops. As chaplain of the First Regiment, he participated in its battles and wrote of its trials and victories, including the assault on Fort Fisher. His account of that battle was first published in The Christian Recorder, the official journal of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, in January and February, 1865. It has not been published since.

Major General Benjamin F. Butler commanded the Union troops who sailed form Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, in December, 1864. Rear Admiral David Porter directed the fleet of fify-four warships that would bombard the fort, which stood at the southern tip of a long, narrow peninsula guarding the mouth of the Cape Fear River. Porter had distinguished himself on the gunboats of the Mississippi. Butler, although he had gained national attention by recruiting and sucessfully using black troops in Louisiana, also had gained the distrust of General Grant because of his timid fighting in Virginia. The amphibious plan called for Porter’s ships to bombard Fort Fisher into silence while Butler’s troops landed to the north. When the defenders seemed to have been subdued, the Federal soldiers were to attack the enormous earthworks by land. But poor coordination between the general and the admiral contributed to the failure of the Christmas Day assault. Butler, fearful of an attack from his rear by rebel land forces, pulled his troops off the beach. The entire naval and transport armada sailed ingloriously back to Bermuda Hundred, and Lee’s lifeline to Europe still held.


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