
Decking Columbia’s Walls

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Authors: Catherine Lynn

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


December 1981 | Volume 33, Issue 1

When George Washington visited Boston in 1789, the new President received a tumultuous greeting. Among the bands of tradesmen who rallied to parade—all patriotically urging the spectators to buy American—was a contingent of local wallpaper printers, bearing a banner emblazoned with the exhortation: “May the fair daughters of Columbia deck them- 4 selves and their walls with J our own manufactures. ”


A year earlier New York’s paper stainers (as makers of paper hangings were then called) had participated in a ^ similar procession, celebrating the ratification of the Constitution. Their flag bore a picture of Washington and proclaimed: “Under this Constitution we hope to Flourish.” And, indeed, they seemed to be off to a good start in a craft known to have been practiced in America only since 1756. That year a Dubliner named John Hickey had advertised that in New York he “stamps or prints paper in the English manner and hangs it so as to harbour no worms. ” By 1800 about thirty paper stainers were at work in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia.

Their desire to protect their fledgling industry against French and English competition was most eloquently voiced by Ebenezer Clough of Boston, whose every bill was adorned with patriotic images and sentiments. Beneath the wings of an eagle I grasping in his beak a banderole inscribed “Protection,” busy workmen stamp patterns with wooden blocks in Clough’s “Boston Paper Staining Factory.” Boldly underlining these illustrations are the words “Americans, encourage the manufactories of your Country, if you wish for its prosperity.”

Such appeals by paper stainers were part of the larger campaign of American manufacturing interests for high tariffs on a long list of foreign goods. They hoped that taxes on imports would render them too expensive to compete with domestic wares, but in the wallpaper trade, exquisitely printed English and French wallpapers lured many Americans away from the more mundane products of their fellow countrymen.


In the main, American paper stainers’ love of patriotic designs did not extend beyond their advertisements and billheads. For the wallpaper itself, they blatantly aspired to make cheap copies of the motifs and the styles and “to match color for color” the output of their European rivals. But there were revealing exceptions to this rule.

The death of George Washington in 1799, for example, moved Ebenezer Clough to substitute an American motif within a standard English wallpaper pattern known as “pillar and arch. ” Mementos of death were then almost universally fashionable—mourning jewelry, wreaths incorporating locks of the hair of the departed, prints showing their graves, needlework picturing tombs and weeping willows. And so the idea of permanently hanging the walls with regularly repeating images of Liberty and Justice weeping on either side of a funerary urn inscribed “Sacred to Washington” seemed perfectly normal. Clough advertised his somber decoration in the newspapers as: “An elegant Device in Paper Hangings, suitable for large