
Redeeming Time

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Authors: John Steele Gordon

Historic Era: Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)

Historic Theme:


December 1992 | Volume 43, Issue 8

Shakespeare—that master limner of the ways of kings—probed the frequent conflict between sovereigns and their heirs- apparent in Henry IV, Part I. While the king concerns himself with fractious nobles, treason, and other cares of state, his son, Prince Hal, concerns himself with wine, women, and song. But Hal tells the audience early on that his loose behavior has a purpose, and he promises that, one day, “like bright metal on a sullen ground,/My reformation, glittering o’er my fault,/Shall show more goodly and attract more eyes than that which hath no foil to set it off. I’ll so offend to make offense a skill;/Redeeming time when men think least I will.”

Since Hal at this point in the play has just plotted both a felony and a practical joke on his fellow criminals, this statement might seem dubious. But Shakespeare’s audience, of course, knew that Hal was the future King Henry V and that he would indeed redeem time, and himself, on the field of Agincourt.

Today, kings are getting rather thin on the ground, but men of great fortune often have similar trouble understanding, still less appreciating, their heirs. Certainly, Elliott White Springs, the only child of “the richest man in South Carolina,” was a worthy 20th-century version of Prince Hal.

The White and Springs families had been prominent in the Carolina Piedmont since colonial times. In the 1880s, they were among the first to foster the textile industry there. In 1887, Captain Samuel Elliott White, Leroy Springs, and 23 others founded the Fort Mill Manufacturing Company to produce cotton cloth in Fort Mill, South Carolina.

Leroy Springs was by far the most dynamic of the stockholders of the fledgling enterprise and soon controlled it, thanks in part to his marriage to Samuel White’s only child.


Born during the Civil War, Springs began by selling groceries, but was soon involved in a number of businesses, including cotton- brokering in both New York and New Orleans. This was a high-risk, high-profit business that exactly suited Springs’s gambling instincts and dominating personality. For Springs had in spades two attributes of a born fortune-maker: supreme self-confidence and a take-no-prisoners attitude toward his competitors. In his youth, he shot a man dead in one dispute (it was ruled self-defense) and, in his old age, would himself be very nearly assassinated in another.

By the time he was 30, he was worth a million dollars, no small sum in those days, especially in the South. He expanded his interests in other cotton mills in the area and was soon one of the most important men in the Southern textile industry.

But what made him so successful a businessman worked against him when it came to fatherhood. His son, Elliott, would spend the first 35 years of his life being alternately ignored and criticized by a father who made no attempt whatever to understand his remarkable offspring.

After attending Princeton, Elliott joined the Army Air