
Editors’ Choice

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Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


February/March 1996 | Volume 47, Issue 1

American Heritage’s debut on CD-ROM mentioned in “Letter From the Editor,” American Heritage: The Civil War—The Complete Multimedia Experience , is available from Byron Preiss Multimedia and Simon & Schuster Interactive (two CD-ROMs, for Windows or Macintosh. For all its period music, appearances by the Civil War historians James M. McPherson and Douglas Brinkley, and instructive strategy game, the package has its grounding in the work of our late editor Bruce Catton, whose classic history batted out on sheets of yellow typescript now joins the computer age.

In between his visits to America—recalled with such feeling in our pages—the English military historian John Keegan has written a number of esteemed books on armed conflicts, including his History of Warfare (Knopf, 480 pages).

Dinesh D’Souza’s The End of Racism , which provides the background for much of his conversation with Nicholas Lemann, is published by the Free Press (724 pages).