
The American Century

AH article image

Authors: Kevin Baker

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


September 1998 | Volume 49, Issue 5

Evans likes to refer to The American Century as “history for browsers.” There are searching essays at the start of each chapter, but most of the book consists of tiropage spreads concerning particular people or events.

These are driven by pictures culled by Gail Buckland, the book’s photographic historian, from archives and collections around the United States. Buckland, an associate professor at New York City’s Cooper Union, has been the curator of many photographic exhibitions, including the New-York Historical Society’s “Shanties to Skyscrapers” and the Statue of Liberty’s centennial, “Visions of Liberty.” The author of eight books of photography and history, including Travelers in Ancient Lands, Fox Talbot and the Invention of Photography , and, with Cecil Beaton, The Magic Image, Buckland has produced hundreds of images that have rarely, if ever, been published before. A selection accompanies this interview.

Harold Evans has dreamed of writing a book about American history since 1956, when he first visited the United States on a Harkness Commonwealth Fund fellowship designed to let European journalists see the real America.

“I looked for it in forty states,” he writes. “I bought an old Plymouth, and made my bed in the back of it, and I crossed the country coast-to-coast and north-to-south. In Mississippi and North Carolina I interviewed both the leaders of the new civil rights movement and the heads of the racist White Citizens Councils. In Fort Sill, Oklahoma, I spent an afternoon with the last surviving Apache to have ridden with Geronimo. I worked for Adlai Stevenson’s presidential campaign but found myself cheering when I went to a small airport and saw Ike grin and wave to the crowd from the steps of his plane.”


Evans returned to the United Kingdom and a distinguished career in journalism. He served for fourteen years as the crusading editor of the London Sunday Times , was editor of the daily London Times , and wrote eight books, including Good Times, Bad Times , before moving across the Atlantic in 1984. On coming back to this side of the ocean, he founded Condé Nast Traveler magazine and worked for seven years as president and publisher of Random House. He has edited the works of Colin Powell, Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Paul Nitze, and Zbigniew Brzezinski and has never surrendered the idea of writing his own history of the American Republic.


The result, after twelve years of painstaking research, is The American Century , to be published by Alfred A. Knopf this fall. The book traces what is in fact the second American century, from the centennial of the Constitution, in 1889, to its bicentennial—which happened to coincide with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. It covers an astonishingly crowded hour of American