
The Race Riots in Manhattan in 1863

AH article image

Authors: Kevin Baker

Historic Era: Era 5: Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877)

Historic Theme:


March 2003 | Volume 54, Issue 1

Kevin Baker, our “In The News” columnist, has just published a historical novel called Paradise Alley. The book has itself been in the news: Among other plaudits, it has appeared on the cover of The New York Times Book Review, where Geoffrey C. Ward called it “a triumph.” We asked Kevin if he would say something about how he came to write it.

The Editors


Paradise Alley is set during the fateful month of July 1863, and it is about both the Irish immigrant experience and one of the lesser-known but most critical episodes in our history, the New York City draft riots. Riots may be a mild word to describe them. As an observer said at the time, it was not so much a riot as a revolution, a five-day pitched battle in the streets for control of the city itself, with the fate of the Union hanging in the balance. It is generally considered the worst civic disturbance in our history. Before it was over, at least 119 people were dead, millions of dollars’ worth of property had been destroyed, and the city had been subjected to a display of savagery rarely equaled even on the battlefield.

The ferocity of the rioters was such that they seem nearly possessed. One mob burned the city’s Colored Orphans’ Asylum to the ground, while chanting, “Burn the niggers’ nest!” Another tortured a state militia colonel in the street for hours before finally killing him and setting the corpse on fire. Rioters beat New York’s superintendent of police, a man named John Kennedy, into unconsciousness and left him for dead; still others mutilated and lynched any African-Americans they could get their hands on. Even when infantry and artillery showed up, hastily summoned from the battlefield of Gettysburg, the mobs did not desist. Men armed largely with clubs and bricks repeatedly charged into the guns, urged on by women shrieking, “Die at home!”

Who were these people, and what could possibly have put them into such a rage? How can we recognize them as our fellow Americans? And how can it be that we have so expunged those terrible days from our national memory?

It is pretty much an axiom of the human condition that those who have been brutalized will make the best brutalizers. Sad to say—particularly for your (mostly) Irish-American correspondent—the bulk of the rioters were Irish immigrants. Many of them were people who had endured the potato famine of the 1840s, something that sounds almost quaint to our ears now, like green beer on St. Patty’s Day, but that was a very real catastrophe, killing about one and a half million people out of an Irish population of eight million. The survivors had made a harrowing passage across the Atlantic in the notorious “coffin ships” and arrived in America, only to find themselves despised for their language, their customs, their poverty,