
Officially Propagating America’s Story

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Authors: Wilson Dizard Jr.

Historic Era: Era 9: Postwar United States (1945 to early 1970s)

Historic Theme:


August/September 2003 | Volume 54, Issue 4

Fifty years ago this summer, the Eisenhower administration created a unique federal agency, one that most Americans never even knew about. Its name was the United States Information Agency; the reason for its obscurity was that, by congressional fiat, it could not distribute its products and services within the United States.

The USIA’s mission was to influence foreign audiences, to make them feel more receptive to America in general, and to its foreign policies in particular. It was, in short, a propaganda effort. It operated in more than 150 countries during the Cold War years until it was closed down as an independent agency in 1999 and its surviving programs were transferred to the State Department.

The agency’s influence lives on, however, as a guide to the Bush administration’s new concern about overseas public opinion in the wake of the September 11 attacks and the war in Iraq. Propaganda (now referred by those who conduct it as “public diplomacy”) has emerged as a key element in the administration’s strategy for dealing with global terrorism. With strong congressional support, some old USIA programs have been revived, and many new ones have been added. For the first time, an Office of Global Communications has been set up in the White House to coordinate all government overseas-information activities.

The USIA invented the form and style of modern public diplomacy, and it did so with a particularly American flair. Although it was a small bureaucracy by Washington standards, the agency’s geographic reach was greater than that of any other U.S. government operation then or since. In its day, it had a presence in some 300 foreign cities, from the staid precincts of London’s Grosvenor Square to the charming up-country Laotian town of Luang Prabang. The USIA's operations included the most extensive efforts ever mounted by any nation to influence foreign public opinion, and it spurred the largest global movement of men and women undertaken in support of cross-cultural understanding. Indeed, the name of one of these "programs has become a noun, an adjective, and a verb in dozens of languages: A Fulbrighter is a Fulbright scholar who Fulbrights" at an overseas school.

The best-known of of the agency's operations was the Voice of America. From its small beginnings in 1942, VOA radio broadcasts expanded during the Cold War to eventually include programs in more than 53 languages that were beamed from dozens of transmitters to every corner of the globe. Its primary target was listeners in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and China, areas where Western radio stations were the only uncensored media available to local audiences. The role of these stations in undermining Soviet and Chinese totalitarianism was later acknowledged by, among others, Lech Walesa, the shipyard worker who founded the Solidarity movement that brought down the Communist regime in Poland in 1989: “If it were not for independent broadcasting, the world would look quite different today…. The struggle for freedom would have been more arduous, and the road to democracy much longer.”

The Voice of America