
The Rebels Of Merry Mount

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Authors: Carleton Beals

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


June 1955 | Volume 6, Issue 4

No early English settler was more delighted with New England than was Thomas Morton, lawyer of Clifford’s Inn, London. He had none of the dour misgivings of William Bradford and the other Mayflower Pilgrims who had landed at Plymouth less than two years before. From the moment he stepped ashore at Massachusetts Bay, in June, 1622, he fell in love with this American earth: its Indians, its wild life and plants, and its beauty. Only Captain John Smith left a more complete record of its resources. But Smith wrote mostly as a blunt, prosaic soldier, while every word in Morton’s account glows with enthusiasm.

He came with thirty well-heeled proprietors under Captain Wollaston, who brought many indentured servants and ample supplies to start a successful plantation near the southwest corner of Boston Harbor at what was called Mount Wollaston and which today is known as Quincy.

While the houses were building, Morton rushed through the countryside. “I do not thinke that in all the knowne world it could be parallel’d ... so many goodly groves of trees; dainty fine round rising hillucks . . . sweet crystal fountains, and cleare running streams ... in fine meanders through the meads, making so sweet a murmering noise to hear ... so pleasantly do they glide upon the pebble stones, jetting most jocundly . . . Fowles in abundance, Fish in multitudes . . . Millions of Turtle doves . . . pecking at the full ripe pleasant grapes.” He described the lilies and the flowers of the “Daphnean tree.” It was Paradise, ̶’twas Nature’s Master-peece ... if this land be not rich, then is the whole world poore.”

He found nearly all the animals, birds, fish and plants larger or better, the savor of the flesh superior, to those of England. The air was fragrant with the odor of herbs, and all had “more masculine virtue” than those at home. Here acorns, nuts and clams fed to swine produced “the delicatest bacon” known. The red cedars and firs were the equal of those Solomon had used to build “the glorious temple at Jerusalem.” The cypress trees, even more beautiful, were tough enough for the masts and yards of the “biggest ship” that ever sailed “the main Oceane.”

He was enraptured with the falcons and the sheen of hummingbirds, the swans, ducks and geese. He often had a thousand geese before the mouth of his gun and in a short time could kill enough to pay for all his powder and shot for an entire year.

He marveled at the large herds of “griseled” deer, the moose and reindeer, “the finest in all Christendom.” His description of the beaver is charming; forefeet like a “cunny,” and “hinder feet” like a goose; and he told how they cut trees with their teeth and how they took each other’s tails in their mouths to haul big logs to their dams like teams of