ERA 1: Three Worlds Meet (Beginnings to 1620)

Why Jamestown Matters, by James Horn

Guiding Questions

How were the elements of civic and political life in Jamestown embodied in the laws and beliefs of the United States?

How are these elements present in American political culture today?

Colonists Arriving in Jamestown

Colonists Arriving in Jamestown


Oftentimes, the importance of Jamestown is overlooked. Students are provided the opportunity to read and analyze the First Charter of Virginia and its influence in forming political principles that are eventually reflected in the formation of the new government under the Constitution of the United States. Then, turning their attention to the Laws Enacted by the First General Assembly of Virginia, students read about the manner in which the government regulated things such as personal property and behavior that began in the colonial era. The reading of Property by James Madison reinforces the need for the protection of property and can tie into a student analysis of how this political value transfer from the time of the Jamestown Colony to the early years of the new republic. Students can also be challenged to discuss the manner in which government seeks to regulate various elements of both civic and political life. 

Literature Connection: Jamestown, The Buried Truth by William M. Kelso

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Teacher Guide