An appeal to the Congress of the United States from the Society of Old Brooklynites : for the erection of a monument over the remains of 11,500 prisoners who died on board the British prison ships during the Revolutionary War- Excerpt

Cover Page


  • G. Tremlett

Place Created: Brooklyn, NY

Year Created: 1890

Historical Theme:

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Description: In 1890, the Society of Old Brooklynites sent an appeal to the Congress of the United States to request the establishment of a monument to honor the 11,500 prisoners of war who died on board British prison ships during the Revolutionary War. The monument was eventually built and dedicated in 1908 to honor the prisoners of war in Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn, NY.

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The following was adopted unanimously by the Common Council of the City of New York: 


Whereas, the Society of Old Brooklynites, of the City of Brooklyn, has presented a petition to the Congress of the United States for the erection of a monument on Fort Greene, in said city, to commemorate the virtues of those martyrs of the cause of liberty who died on board the prison ships at the Wallabout during the war of the Revolution; and


Whereas, it is the opinion of this Common Council that it is the duty of Congress to fitly commemorate the manly virtues and stern patriotism of more than twelve thousand citizens of the United States who, when prisoners of war, refused to purchase their lives by enlisting in the service of the enemy, and preferred death to dishonor ; therefore, 


Resolved, that this Common Council heartily endorse the patriotic efforts of the Society of Old Brooklynites, and earnestly request the members of Congress from this city to favor, by all honorable means in their power, the passage of the bill now pending for the erection of the proposed monument in honor of the martyrs of the prison ships. 


Citation: Society Of Old Brooklynites, and United States Congress ). An appeal to the Congress of the United States from the Society of Old Brooklynites: for the erection of a monument over the remains of 11,500 prisoners who died on board the British prison ships during the Revolutionary War. Brooklyn: G. Tremlett, 1890. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.