George Washington Letter to Benjamin Lincoln

Washington Letter to Benjamin Lincoln


  • George Washington

Date Created:

Place Created: Mount Vernon, VA

Year Created: 1786

Description: General Benjamin Lincoln had served under Washington during the Revolution, and the two men continued to correspond after the war. Both were charter members of The Society of the Cincinnati. Founded at the close of the Revolutionary War by General Henry Knox and other officers of the Continental Army, membership in the society was restricted to veteran officers and their eldest male descendants. Limiting the membership to officers combined with its hereditary aspects made the Cincinnati controversial among those who believed the American Revolution had been fought to eliminate artificial aristocracies based on birth and privilege. George Washington was elected the first President General of the Society and held the position until his death in 1799. Washington was very concerned over the activities of the Regulators in Massachusetts and hoped that General Lincoln could tell him what was happening. Washington felt the Regulators were a threat not just to the Massachusetts government, but also to the stability of the United States.

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Text of Document:

Mount Vernon 7th. Novr. 1786.


My dear Sir

I have, I think, seen your name mentioned as President of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Massachusetts. – For this reason I 
give you the trouble of the enclosed address.

I hope your wishes were fully accomplished in your Eastern trip. – Are your people getting mad? – Are we to have the goodly fabrick that eight years were 
spent in rearing pulled over our heads? – What is the cause of all these commotions? – When & how is it to end?

I need not repeat to you how muchI am My dear Sir Yr. Most Obedt. & Affecte.
Hble. Servant

Genl Lincoln.

Citation: Washington, George. “George Washingon to Benj. Lincoln Regarding 'these commotions.'" Shays’ Rebellion - Transcription: George Washingon to Benj. Lincoln Regarding 'these commotions.' - Text Only, Springfield Technical Community College, Accessed 27 Feb. 2025.

Washington, George. “George Washingon to Benj. Lincoln Regarding 'these commotions.'" Shays’ Rebellion - George Washingon to Benj. Lincoln Regarding 'these commotions.' Manuscript, Springfield Technical Community College, Accessed 27 Feb. 2025.