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Shortly before the Civil War, an observant Austrian Franz-of-all-trades roamed half the continent, drawing as he went. In his “Sketches from Northwestern America and Canada” we glimpse the Eden of the pioneers

Documents Of Freedom

Author: Howard H. Peckham

Bell Rang A In One Hour


The artists faced their sketch pads with no knowledge of what they were about to draw. The subject was given—and

Wickford Tales

Author: Anita W. Hinckley

Who propped the murdered highjacker against the sycamore tree?
What happened when the ßre chief used a spittoon for a helmet?
Why did the lighthouse keeper s daughter go to bed for forty years?
Who says small towns are dull?

Deadlier Than The Male

Author: John C. Ewers

The hair-raising deeds of Throwing Down, The Other Magpie, and Elk Hollering in the Water lead one to believe that the female of the red-skinned species was

“Washington At Monmouth”

Author: The Editors

Neglected for over half a century, Emanuel Leutze’s huge historical canvas hovered near oblivion. Then this magazine helped to rediscover

A Yank In The B.E.F.


In 1917 Bernard J, Gallagher, a fresh-faced medical school graduate, left the lakes of his native Minnesota to make the world safe for democracy and learned that war was just what Shernian said it was

The World & Nantucket

Author: Nathaniel Benchley

The natives never could live quite happily with “off-island” civilization—but neither could they live without it

“so Eager Were We All …”

Author: Lewis Herbert Metcalf

A boy who fought at Bull Run tells of prebattle excitement and bewilderment on the field