
Featured Articles

The World & Nantucket

Author: Nathaniel Benchley

The natives never could live quite happily with “off-island” civilization—but neither could they live without it

“so Eager Were We All …”

Author: Lewis Herbert Metcalf

A boy who fought at Bull Run tells of prebattle excitement and bewilderment on the field



Shortly before the Civil War, an observant Austrian Franz-of-all-trades roamed half the continent, drawing as he went. In his “Sketches from Northwestern America and Canada” we glimpse the Eden of the pioneers

Documents Of Freedom

Author: Howard H. Peckham

Bell Rang A In One Hour


The artists faced their sketch pads with no knowledge of what they were about to draw. The subject was given—and

Wickford Tales

Author: Anita W. Hinckley

Who propped the murdered highjacker against the sycamore tree?
What happened when the ßre chief used a spittoon for a helmet?
Why did the lighthouse keeper s daughter go to bed for forty years?
Who says small towns are dull?

Deadlier Than The Male

Author: John C. Ewers

The hair-raising deeds of Throwing Down, The Other Magpie, and Elk Hollering in the Water lead one to believe that the female of the red-skinned species was