
Featured Articles

That Zenith Of Prairie Architecture—the Soddy

Author: John I. White

Pioneer farmers had neither wood nor brick to build with, but there sure was plenty of good earth

The Unexpected Mrs. Stowe

Author: David McCullough

Harriet Beecher Stowe, an extraordinary member of an extraordinary family, always claimed that God wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin

“In This Proud Land”

Author: Nancy Wood

Men of the Revolution: Cornwallis

Author: Richard M. Ketchum

Courageous and resourceful, the Marquis was bred for better things than defeat at the hands of rebellious provincials.

The Colossus Of His Kind: Jumbo

Author: James L. Haley

Pried loose from a furious Great Britain to meet a tragic death in the New World, this huge elephant made a fortune for his owner, delighted millions, and added a new superlative to our language


Author: Don Troiani

Fourth in a series of paintings for AMERICAN HERITAGE

I Soldiered With Charlie

Author: Philip Myers

The General Of General Motors

Author: Glenn A. Niemeyer, James J. Flink

"Billy" Durant typified the courage of American business. He was charismatic, arbitrary and impenetrable.