Essential Books on the Immigrant Experience (November/December 2004 | Volume: 55, Issue: 6)

Essential Books on the Immigrant Experience

AH article image

Authors: Kevin Baker

Historic Era: Era 7: The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)

Historic Theme:


November/December 2004 | Volume 55, Issue 6

In a nation of immigrants, picking ten books about the immigrant experience is no easy task. One could plausibly argue that any book about post-Columbian America concerns the immigrant experience. So, I established a few basic guidelines in order to make the job a little more feasible. Some of these, I think, rest on pretty solid ground. I have not, for instance, included any books on slavery. While slaves were certainly immigrants of a sort, their brutal and coerced journey is so different from other immigrant narratives that I think their stories properly belong in a collection of works on the African-American experience.

Other delineations were more subjective. I have not included any accounts of the Plymouth Plantation or Jamestown or the Quaker colony in Pennsylvania. The early colonists were the first immigrants, of course, but their experiences were also fundamentally different from those of everyone who came after them, being stories of conquest and expansion, rather than of adaptation and assimilation.

I have, as well, largely slighted writing about most of the newest immigrants, which means mostly Asian and Hispanic Americans. This is not meant to imply any disrespect or indifference toward these peoples or the literature in question. Rather, it is because these stories are so new that it is not yet possible to get any real historical perspective on them. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause, but it is a situation that will easily be rectified a few years down the road. It is my hope that here in America, we will always have to revise the immigrant story.

This also leads us to another problem with selecting any ten best books about the immigrant experience. What one prefers in immigrant books usually depends on which immigrants one wants to read about; very little has been written on “immigrants” in general. I am interested in all immigrant groups myself, but I must admit that my own professional efforts have centered disproportionately around two peoples—namely, Jewish and Irish Americans. I apologize as well for any partiality that this experience may reflect.

My other professional prejudice is toward fiction. Of course, in immigrant literature, the line between fiction and nonfiction is especially blurred. Memoirs are frequently disguised as novels—or embellished with novelistic touches. And “purely” fictitious works are often able to get closer to the truth of the immigrant experience than some of the more dogged academic nonfiction on the subject.

With all these caveats in mind, here are my selections:

How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York by Jacob Riis (1890; many editions). No top-ten list of immigrant books would be complete without it. How the Other Half Lives is that rare book that not only recorded history, but changed it. It is also an exception in the genre, in that it is not about any one immigrant group, but about how all the different nations that crowded into lower Manhattan