ERA 3: Revolution and the New Nation (1754–1820s)

Taking Another Look at the Constitutional Blueprint, by Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, et al

Guiding Questions

Are there provisions of the Constitution of the United States in need of repair, revision or abolishment?

What is the reasoning behind the recommended constitutional changes made by some scholars, presidents and political scientists?

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution


Once students have had opportunity to read the entire text of the Constitution, they can read about some recommended changes various people in American political culture have suggested. Many of these suggested changes can be the springboard to a variety of discussion regarding the need for the change and the likelihood of the change being adopted. These suggested changes are made by a variety of people: former Presidents of the United States, political scholars and political scientists. Students can be encouraged to learn about each of the people making a suggestion and discuss how each person’s role in American political culture influenced their choice of suggestion they made.

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Teacher Guide