
Featured Articles

Did Castro Okay the Kennedy Assassination?

Author: Gus Russo, Stephen Molton

Incriminating new evidence has come to light in KGB files and the authors' interviews of former Cuban intelligence officers which indicates that Fidel Castro probably knew in advance of Oswald's intent to kill JFK.

Lincoln’s Legacy

Author: Harold Holzer

As we approach the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth, leading historians look at the man and his achievements.

Lincoln & Frederick Douglass

Author: Stephen Kendrick, Paul Kendrick

The former prairie-lawyer and then-president and the ex-slave and outspoken abolitionist formed an unusual friendship.

Lincoln the Orator

Author: Harold Holzer

Our most talented writer-president always wrote his own material and labored for hours over it.

Lincoln and the Navy

Author: Craig L. Symonds

The president takes charge and directs a successful amphibious landing at Hampton Roads.

If Lincoln Hadn’t Died...

Author: Eric Foner

Would the disastrous Reconstruction era have taken a different course?

Wall Street’s First Collapse

Author: Thomas Fleming

Speculators caused a stock market crash in 1792, forcing the federal government to bail out New York bankers— and the nation.

Lincoln As Commander in Chief

Author: James M. McPherson

Even though he had no military training, Lincoln quickly rose to become one of America’s most talented commanders.